Thursday, 1 March 2012

Beta Males

Beta Males: Men who don't live up to the Alpha Male name God calls us to.

I have been thinking about this a lot lately, both in dealing with the youth I work with and the men I see around in life.
We aren't living up to what Christ calls us to do. I keep thinking about how movies like Knocked up, Hangover etc are becoming what is funny and cool. And the worst part is these dud's are winning. They get everything they want even though they are doing something wrong.

I have been chatting with some of my students about girls. The boys think they can just coast and the girls will come to them. Sure they may be athletic and good looking guys, but they need reminding that these young women are precious to God and we need to treat them that way. And we definitely do not deserve them.

So I guess my message to men both young and old. Is model your life after the Bible. Read your Bible, pray daily, point your friends and family towards Jesus. Be honest, and kind. Be trust worthy and always fight for what is right. That is what it truly means to be an Alpha male.

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