Saturday, 13 October 2012

Three things I learned watching the Youth Ministry Garage Live

The Youth Ministry Garage is a podcast for youth workers with 'just enough youth ministry so you don't feel guilty for listening'. If you haven't followed it or interested in what I'm listening to check them out here.

This podcast is hosted by Doug Fields, Josh Griffin, Matt McGill and Katie Edwards. This a crack team of specialists ranging from: Volunteers, Speaking, Running large ministries to really loud cackles of laughter. (that isn't in order of their names).

So last night at the National Youth Workers Conference they held a LIVE podcast for a ton of people in person and a bunch of us online. I was unable to be in attendance but stayed up late to watch online.

So now you are wondering what on earth did I learn:

1) Do Ministry with your friends- This team always has a good time, gets to make inside jokes and enjoys spending time with one another. In the past I have worked with teams of friends and teams where people butted heads. No matter what team you work with you will have tough times, a team of friends will make those tough times easier.

2) If you can't be present be online- While it is true that being in a room somewhere is always a special moment, you can't always be there. Things happen online now. Conferences have sessions free online, many training seminars are available by stream and podcast. Even though you can't be present always, don't let that keep you from learning something and potentially missing hearing something you might need.

3) Online chat is a great way to connect- Last night I logged into chat for the podcast, it was possibly my highlight. I had the chance to make inside jokes, and chat with others. It also was a great chance for me to meet a great group of Youth Workers from areas of North America I have never been to. I was fortunate to connect and network with guys like Darren Sutton, Jason Brown, Terry Weaver, Paul Byford and others. If it wasn't for logging on to the chat I would have missed out on connecting with an awesome crew of guys doing great things.

1 comment:

  1. Loved it, Kyle! Thanks for being there. Come to SYMC in Indy this year and lets meet in person!
